Taux Agreement

Taux agreement, also known as the Taif Agreement, is a historic agreement that ended the Lebanese Civil War in 1989. The agreement was signed in Taif, Saudi Arabia, hence it is known as the Taif Agreement. This agreement is considered as a significant milestone in the history of Lebanon, as it marked the end of 15 years of bloody civil war and paved the way for the country`s democratic government system.

The Taux Agreement was a culmination of a long and arduous process of negotiations between the Lebanese government and the country`s various political factions. The negotiations were conducted under the auspices of the Arab League, with facilitation from the Saudi and Syrian governments.

The agreement aimed to address the underlying causes of the civil war, which had been brewing for decades. It aimed to address the sectarian divides in the country, which had led to conflicts between the different religious groups. The agreement recognized the rights of all Lebanese citizens, regardless of their religious affiliations, and ensured that all sects were represented in the government.

The Taux Agreement also sought to address the issue of foreign interference in the country`s affairs. It called for the withdrawal of all foreign forces from Lebanon and affirmed the country`s sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Furthermore, the agreement paved the way for the establishment of a new government system in Lebanon. It reduced the powers of the presidency and increased the powers of the parliament and the prime minister. It also created a National Unity government that would represent all the country`s political factions.

The Taux Agreement was a major success in bringing peace and stability to Lebanon after years of conflict. The agreement is also seen as an important model for resolving conflicts in other countries that are plagued by sectarian and ethnic divides.

In conclusion, the Taif Agreement, or Taux Agreement, is a historic agreement that ended the Lebanese Civil War in 1989. It addressed the underlying causes of the conflict, recognized the rights of all citizens, and established a new government system for Lebanon. The agreement paved the way for peace and stability in the country and is an important model for resolving conflicts in other countries.